Jim Bobreski - Author, Engineer, and Public Speaker

Jim Bobreski is President of Synchronicity1 LLC. He is a process control engineer whose main work was electrical power production. During his career as an instrument technician and engineer, he serviced coal, oil, gas and nuclear facilities throughout the country. Jim is the inventor of the Widget WireSorter, Port-A-Score, and he is currently working on agricultural projects such as water collection and efficient irrigation system that uses gravity feed, low height wind turbine, and robotics . Jim also writes a monthly OP ED on Alternate Energy for the Finger Lakes Times newspaper. He lives with his significant other, Sherry and their two cats, Princess Dasha and Fuzzy.

Jim was a whistleblower at the DC WASA treatment plant. He reported safety concerns of public health and national security at the facility and was subsequently fired. DC Wasa it was revealed that it was a considered target of Al-Qaeda at 9/11. He had prior experience as a whistleblower at the Nine Mile II Nuclear plant where he reported serious wiring errors and was subsequently fired for "reading a newspaper three minutes before coffee break". Only a year and half after the plant went operational the plant shutdown due to the problems he reported during construction.

Alternate Energy

In any age, including the age of Trump, energy is a big and important issue. The decisions we make as nations and as individuals continue to impact our present, and our future. However, in the age of Trump, there were so many competing voices claiming so many different ideas and truths, that one could have been tempted to believe that many, or all are legitimate opinions. This is not the case. There is, as always, only one truth. There is only one set of facts, and only one best suggestion for moving forward in a way that benefits not only mankind, but every living thing on this planet, and the planet itself. This series of columns about traditional and alternate energy in America is intended to generate conversation about needed changes to our energy structure.

Whistleblower Presentation

University of Virginia, November 1st, 2023
Construction Issues

University of Virginia, November 1st, 2023

University of Virginia, November 1st, 2023
Plant Conditions

To view the entire Penn State presentation, click below.

Contact Jim Bobreski

(315) 294-3297

Penn Yan, NY 14527